• “The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.”

    Mahatma Gandhi

  • “Only if we understand... can we care. Only if we care… will we help them. Only if we help... shall they be saved.”

    Jane Goodall

  • “As custodians of the planet, it is our responsibility to deal with all species with kindness, love, and compassion. That these animals suffer through human cruelty is beyond understanding. Please help to stop this madness.”

    Richard Gere

  • “We need, in a special way, to work twice as hard to help people understand that the animals are fellow creatures, that we must protect them and love them as we love ourselves.”

    Cesar Chavez

The Boys from Alberta

These kittens were sent to auction, not neutered, with no health records, no contact information for the breeders and no way to learn about their lineage.

They arrived in a truck/horse trailer with boxes, kennels and crates of other animals. They had no food or water, and their kennels were littered with urine & feces.

They were all starving, filthy, stinky and had an assortment of ailments to deal with such as leaky eyes, coughing & sneezing, odd wounds & strange lumps.

Sphynx Justice rescued these angels and partnered with Alberta Sphynx Rescue in Alberta, Canada. ASR picked nursed them back to health and today they have all been happy, healthy, adopted out and the recipients of unending love…


    aka. TROUBLE

    Pierre is TROUBLE and a total instigator. If something goes crash, you know who did it.

    Pierre has embarked on a new journey, joining another alumni from the Alberta Sphynx Rescue, “Posey” in Edmonton. We can't wait to hear about their adventures together!

  • JAY


    Jay is quite content to snuggle in and watch his siblings but he likes a good romp.

    Jay flew on a jet plane to live the La Vida Loca island life in Victoria with a long-time sphynx rescue supporter.

  • PEN


    Pen is a little more reserved, it takes him a minute to warm up to you but then he likes nothing more than to snuggle.

    Pen and his brother Nellie were welcomed into the hearts of an amazing couple in Fort Saskatchewan. Their future is sure to be filled with love and warmth.


    aka. LOVE BUG

    Nellie is a love bug, more courageous of the two brothers. He is super curious about the other cats in the house.

Lykoi Rescue

The dedication and hard work of our partners at Bald & Bully brought these two Lykoi kittens.

Both Jewel and Zac needed their first formal examination to get insurance started for their future adopters, vaccines, FIV/FeLV testing, DNA testing, microchipping, deworming and flea/tick prevention, etc.

Sphynx Justice was happy to step in with needed resources to help make this happen.